Excited to sign up? Use our NXT Type Explorer to determine your personality type before registering. However, if you already know your archetype or wish to skip ahead, we warmly invite you to join us!

Account Details

We highly recommend using your primary e‑mail address for optimal communication. Rest assured, we only send important e‑mails such as password changes and payment receipts by default.

Create a password that is at least 8 characters long, includes mixed case letters, and contains at least one numerical digit.

How would you prefer to be addressed in our e‑mail communications and on your account page?

Optional Information

You can leave the above as unselected if you are unsure of your NXT Archetype or if you simply choose not to select one.

+ Expand for more options.
− Collapse additional options.

If you wish to share your NXT Type Explorer results, you can use a username instead. Username must have no spaces, lower case only.
Important: Once chosen, username cannot be changed.
Example: www.personality.ninja/type/username

Displayed name is what is shown publicly such as in your shared NXT Type Explorer results, instead of a randomly generated number.
Example: Cranky Dragon's Personality or Joshua's Personality

A tiny customization for your public profile. Default pronouns used
are they/them, but feel free to update to your preferred pronouns.

We'd love to know where all our users are from. If you choose
to share, rest assured that your data will be kept confidential.

By registering, you agree to our Terms of Use.