Background depicting an imagined scenario in the life of a Connector.
nfxl | Possibilities

Dominant Aspects

If humans were computers, our dominant traits would be the operating system that is embedded and hard-coded in our minds. These deeply ingrained behaviors run on autopilot, driving our every action without conscious thought. Like breathing or blinking, we can actively choose to control our actions with enough concentration. However, most of the time, our recurring behaviors seem to be driven by our subconscious, functioning effortlessly and instinctively.

Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can
neither be explained nor ignored.

Agatha Christie

Dominant traits are often mistaken as strengths in most other personality systems. But here in Personality Ninja, we hold a different view. To us, traits are just traits, shaped by the wiring of our cognitive functions. Whether a trait is good or bad largely depends on the way it is used. As such, these traits can either be the source of one's greatest strengths, or the cause of their biggest downfall.

Naturally, we will hone our dominant traits, refining them into our super strengths. However, if we are not careful, there is a chance that we may push our dominant traits into overdrive, manifesting them in very unhealthy ways. In the end, our dominant traits are our natural tendencies and nothing more. The key to harnessing them effectively lies in knowing when, where, and how to use them.

❱ Creative in Generating Inspiring Ideas

The minds of Connectors are like fireworks. All it takes is a single spark to flare up into a cluster of explosions, revealing a spectacular display of creativity. Always thinking outside the box, they can easily pour out streams of ideas that awaken the imaginations of those around them. While many may see things as they are, Connectors see things for what they can be. As such, they are able to notice infinite potential hidden everywhere, ready to be unleashed into the world.


However, not all of their concepts are practical. What they say might sound exciting, but often unrealistic. To Connectors, possibilities are meant to inspire, whether they work or not is rarely a concern. As such, most of their ideas may seem fun at a glance, but they make no sense at a closer look. If Connectors continue to share thoughts that lack substance, people will eventually treat their suggestions as nothing more than a bunch of jokes.

The ability to generate endless ideas is both the greatest strength and the biggest weakness of Connectors. As their minds are filled with so many exciting concepts, they might find it hard to stick to one. Their focus often shifts with the winds of change, constantly being blown towards the next interesting idea. If they continue hopping from one concept to another, there will come a time when they have a ton of possibilities, but nothing to show for them.

❱ Receptive to Fun Ideas

There is no such thing as a bad idea in the eyes of Connectors. Being some of the most open-minded people out there, they are ready to lend an ear to any possibility, even those that are considered silly. And while concepts may come in all shapes and sizes, Connectors will always approach each one just as excited as the last. Who knows, one day they might just come across a diamond in the rough; an idea that will change the world as we know it.


That being said, it can be pretty hard for Connectors to reach a final conclusion. Since all ideas are equally possible in their eyes, they often struggle to differentiate the good ones from the bad. Instead of narrowing things down, they might just throw their hands in the air and avoid making decisions entirely. Keeping their options open may solve their dilemma at the moment, but it will come back to haunt them when they realize the opportunities lost in the long run.

When taken too far, Connectors can be rather gullible. Looking through rose-tinted glasses, they might only see the potential of a concept, oblivious to its blatant flaws. Even if the ideas have no factual basis, they might still accept them without a second thought. If they continue to believe anything that holds even the slightest possibility of being true, their naivete will eventually land them in a lot of trouble.

❱ Inspirational at Linking Concepts

For Connectors, the world is a canvas strewn with underlying patterns. Thoughts, ideas, events, and people; all things in life are interwoven with each other. Gifted with the ability to see these invisible strings, Connectors can easily tie all sorts of concepts together, even between those that are seemingly unrelated. By doing so, they create an endless amount of possibilities that will always inspire the masses.


This gift, however, can sometimes be a curse. Since there is no switch to turn it off, their minds can't stop making connections 24/7. When Connectors are with others, they might talk about one thing while their minds have already moved on to another. Hence, it's quite normal to hear them string a bunch of concepts that are totally unrelated into one single sentence. Switching ideas so rapidly, Connectors may come off pretty incoherent, confusing others as well as themselves.

Worst yet, some Connectors may even reach conclusions that are beyond the bounds of reality. As they are constantly linking distant concepts together, they are prone to seeing patterns that don't make sense to anyone other than themselves. To prove their claims, they might just rely on baseless assumptions instead of checking the facts. If these Connectors are not given a serious dose of reality, they will fall ever deeper into a rabbit hole of warped perceptions.

❱ Motivated by Interesting Collaborations

As social creatures, Connectors love being around people. Whether it be brainstorming, discussing philosophies, or just having a good old conversation, they love to nudge others for their thoughts. They believe that when a mixture of ideas are fused together in a melting pot, magic happens, giving birth to a wellspring of untapped potential. This fuels their creativity, giving rise to a source of infinite possibilities.


But collaborations aren't all sunshine and rainbows, it requires solid commitment as well. And that's the thing, most Connectors find it hard to stick to one thing at a time. They'd rather hop onto as many projects as possible, even when they are already buried under an avalanche of projects. Those who do so subject themselves to a juggling act that is virtually impossible. When Connectors finally slip up, everything will come crashing down, leaving them looking like a clown.

More than that, drawing motivation from others isn't always a good thing. Some Connectors may get too used to doing things only when people are around. So much so that they lose their inner drive. When that happens, they won't do anything alone because no one is keeping them accountable. Instead, they laze around, waiting for someone to push them. Connectors who are like this are no different than leaves in the wind, drifting wherever the current takes them.

To wrap it up, dominant traits are neither our strengths nor are they our weaknesses. They are simply traits we tend to exhibit naturally in our daily lives without much realization.

The biggest reminder here is this: a trait is a trait. It is a unique characteristic of an archetype, each carrying its own pros and cons. With that understanding, let us now venture into the next set of traits that we do more consciously—our supportive traits.

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Supportive Traits [Connector]