A sanctuary for learning about typology.

NXT Core

The NXT personality framework



If you have ever set foot in the massive realm of role-playing games, you are likely to be familiar with the term “character class.”

Before you begin your adventure, you must first choose a type of class to play as. It could be a powerful mage, a stealthy rogue, a pious cleric, or perhaps even a ruthless barbarian.

Whatever it is, one will quickly notice that each class is completely unique, built with its own distinct set of abilities, backstories, and traits. These different classes make RPGs engaging as they add an extra depth to the whole experience, immersing players in its world.

Various RPG Classes

For those who are not familiar with RPGs, you can think of classes as professions. In real life, different people grow up to play different roles. One may turn out to be a teacher, an engineer, or even an influencer. In most cases, the career that one chooses is a reflection of their interests and motivations.

Our personality Classes are similar to careers and RPG classes. The only difference is that we do not get to choose our Classes; we are born into them. Whether that is a good thing or not depends entirely on how you look at it. But first, what are these Classes?

Everybody falls under four Classes: Explorer, Builder, Leader, and Evolver. Depending on our Class, we will naturally gravitate towards certain roles in life. This begs the question: how does one determine their Class? To answer that, we must first unravel the innate desires that govern our actions and decisions.

Primal Desires

After examining a wide spectrum of human motives, we have come to realize that all motives can generally be categorized under what we call the four primal human desires. Unlike human needs such as food, water, shelter, or even love, these desires are not needed for basic survival. However, they are essential for fulfillment.

The four primal human desires are variety, certainty, belonging, and significance. Everyone has all four desires; the only difference is the order in which we prioritize them. In light of this, the arrangement of our human desires is extremely important as the top two will largely shape the way we see or do things.

Origins Of Idea

We may not even realize it, but our foremost human desires are constantly manifesting themselves in our every thought, word, and deed. Put simply, they are the very essence of our personality.

That said, although our foremost human desires will persist throughout our lives, we are still drawn to fulfill other desires from time to time, depending on the situation we are in. For example, a person who prioritizes certainty may seek out variety when their lives are pretty secure. In the same vein, a person who prioritizes variety may seek out certainty when their lives are plagued with chaos.


Ultimately, however, we will always be tied to our primal human desires as they define the heart of our calling. As such, it is through our human desires that we will discover our Classes.

It isn't normal to know what we want. It is a rare and difficult psychological achievement.

Abraham Maslow

Those who pursue variety to escape a stagnant life are Explorers. On the other hand, those who spend time ensuring certainty in an ever-changing world are Builders.

Those who seek a sense of belonging by working with communities around them are Leaders. In contrast, those who strive for personal significance by fulfilling their own potential are Evolvers.

And with that, we have answered the question posed from the beginning. Pretty simple so far, right? Now let us continue to the following part to dissect the Classes further.

Read next part → Type Focus [Class]