A sanctuary for learning about typology.

NXT Core

The NXT personality framework

Type Strategy


What is a strategy? Well, it is a general plan designed to achieve a long-term or overall objective. Likewise, Type Strategy outlines the goals of a Class and their approach to reach them. There are two kinds of goals; one can either seek belonging or strive for significance. As mentioned previously, those who desire belonging are Leaders while those who desire significance are Evolvers.

Leader Class

When the word Leader gets mentioned, most people would envision someone who holds a position of authority, whether it be the CEO of a major company, the ruler of a medieval kingdom, or the prime minister of a democratic nation. However, in NXT, we define Leaders as those who prioritize the needs of others over their own.

For Leaders, the most important thing in the world is the progress of their group, and they ensure it by serving their communities. Therefore, Leaders feel compelled to go along with the group’s decision, even if it contradicts their personal opinion. Why? Well, what matters more to them is the consensus of the group, as without it, their communities might end up being engulfed in conflict.

As such, Leaders get annoyed by those who are stuck to their own perspectives, especially when everyone else is striving for consensus. Leaders may even feel upset and frustrated when members of their community fail to agree with one another, no matter how much they try. If given a choice, Leaders would much prefer that everyone led a communal way of life. After all, only through group synergy, can everybody prosper as a whole.

Brief technical description: Leaders desire to attain a sense of belonging by prioritizing the collective views of others.

Evolver Class

Trying to imagine what an Evolver looks like is much trickier, so let’s start with the meaning of evolution. Scientifically, evolution is defined as the process that involves gradual genetic progress. An Evolver, in the context of NXT, has nothing to do with genes. Rather, they are defined as those who prioritize their own personal development.

For Evolvers, the most important thing in the world is their self-worth, and they cultivate it by improving themselves constantly. Therefore, Evolvers feel compelled to uphold their beliefs or principles, even if it differs with the consensus. Because the truth is, no one can ever be the best version of themselves if they cannot stand by their convictions when the situation demands it.

As such, Evolvers get annoyed when others are unwilling to consider their carefully thought-out perspectives, just for the sake of conformity. Evolvers may even feel irritated and resentful when they are pressured by those around them to accept something they disagree with. If they had their way, Evolvers would much rather lead an independent way of life. After all, progress can only be driven by individuals with deeply held convictions.

Brief technical description: Evolvers desire to cultivate personal significance by prioritizing one's own personal views.


And that concludes the explanation of the four NXT Type Classes: Explorers, Builders, Leaders, and Evolvers. Each Class houses one of the four primal human desires, that is either the desire for variety, certainty, belonging, or significance.

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