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Factual Application

Factual Application belongs to one of the four Type Natures in the NXT personality framework. If you are new or unfamiliar with the topic, do refer to the Introduction of Type Nature for more information.


Factual Application is the result of pairing Explicit Perceiving and Explicit Judging Cognitive Functions, operating together to make observations that are concrete and decisions based on logic by examining for knowledge consisting of denotative facts and evaluating with opinions determined by logical reasons.

To put it briefly, those of this Type Nature focus on what is concrete and logically true to bring about Factual Application.

These individuals have a Sensing Function and Thinking Function among their Dominant and Supportive Functions. This means that either Extraverted Sensing (SE) or Introverted Sensing (SI) will be paired with either Extraverted Thinking (TE) or Introverted Thinking (TI).

To provide greater clarity and understanding of the descriptions above, below are the key definitions for the specific terms used.

Key Definitions

Definition of Concrete:
Actual and tangible, existing only in physical reality.

Note: Apart from physical entities that are evidently concrete, data and statistics are also considered to be concrete, as they refer to tangible facts that have been collected and recorded.

Definition of Denotative:
Describing the literal description or representation of something rather than the implied meaning or representation.

Note: For example, the word "cold" would literally mean something absent of heat, instead of the implied meaning of someone being emotionless.

Definition of Fact:
Things that are proven to be true in reality, usually without any attached meaning to it.

Note: People tend to use common phrases such as "it's a fact" or "the fact is". However, it does not necessarily mean that they are providing a fact, but merely implying that they are certain of something.

Definition of Logic:
The systematic inference that proves the validity of an argument.

Note: Logic is typically associated with facts because facts are often used to set the premises for logical arguments. However, logic may also be applied according to conceptual premises, which do not have to be proven factual.

Definition of Logical:
According to strict principles and criteria of validity.

Note: Logical in this context does not mean being intelligent or clever, but merely arguing in accordance with principles and criteria.

Definition of Reason:
An explicit explanation that provides an analytical argument to validate the truth of a statement, action, or occurrence.

Note: Apart from Thinkers, Feelers may also commonly use terms such as "reasons" or "makes sense". However, what may be presented as a logical reason may or may not be logical in nature.

Thematic Details

Within the fictional world of Mochiverse, the Type Nature of an archetype is represented by the primary color of the ninja, which also denotes the ninja's village. In particular, individuals with Sensing and Thinking Functions as their top two functions belong to the Earth Village, which is represented by the color green.

Example of ninjas who seek Factual Application.

The reason for the color green is its association with the earth element. Earth is an element that symbolizes realism and common sense. As such, ninjas from this village are known to be pragmatic and sensible, capturing the preference of Sensing and Thinking archetypes for Factual Application.

Related Topics

  1. Type Nature
  2. Type Outlook
  3. Type Tactic
  4. Sensor
  5. Thinker

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