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Type Code

Type Code is the set of letters used to describe an individual's NXT personality type, encompassing all components described within NXT Class, Origin, Rhythm, and Energy.


  • STLB | L-DIRA | D-FO

The Type Code above is an example of an individual's NXT personality type. It consists of a sequence of letters that represents all aspects of an individual's personality. When viewed as a whole, the Type Code may seem rather cryptic. Hence, a comprehensive explanation is provided for each component of the Type Code to offer more clarity and understanding.

As seen in the example, the Type Code can be split into three components, each representing something unique to your personality. To truly understand your Type Code, it is important to understand what each component comprises, as well as what they mean.


  • STLB | L-DIRA | D-FO

The initial four letters make up the first part of the Type Code, which represents an individual's NXT archetype. It tells us the major aspects of the individual's personality, which also equate to their top two Cognitive Functions.

The first letter in the code represents a person's Type Outlook. It indicates whether a person uses Sensing (S) or Intuition (N) in examining the world. Individuals who use Sensing typically focus on facts when making observations, whereas individuals who use Intuition focus on concepts.

The second letter in the code represents a person's Type Tactic. It indicates whether a person uses Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) in evaluating the world. Individuals who use Thinking typically focus on logic when making decisions, whereas individuals who use Feeling usually focus on values.

The third letter represents what an individual prioritizes in life, also known as their Class. If their focus is on making observations, the third letter would be their Type Perspective. However, if one's focus is on making decisions, the third letter would be one's Type Strategy.

The fourth letter represents an individual's secondary priority in life, also known as their Subclass. If the third letter represents one's Type Perspective, the fourth letter will automatically represent their Type Strategy, and vice versa.

Regarding one's Type Perspective, the code indicates whether a person prioritizes variety as an Explorer (X) or certainty as a Builder (B). As for one's Type Strategy, the code indicates whether a person prioritizes belonging as a Leader (L) or significance as an Evolver (V).

How It Combines

The first and second letters come together to form one's Type Nature, which may be:

  • Awesome Aspirations (SF)
  • Factual Application (ST)
  • Theoretic Innovation (NT)
  • Imaginative Inspiration (NF)

As mentioned previously, the order of the third and fourth letters is important. Two individuals could share the Type Nature of Factual Application (ST), and also be a Leader and Builder. However, the one who focuses on decisions will have the Type Code of STLB, while the one who focuses on observations will have the Type Code of STBL.

The Type Nature combines with the Class and Subclass to derive the Cognitive Functions. For those who are new to Jungian typology, a Cognitive Function is a specific psychological pattern that utilizes varying cognitive processes to achieve a desired purpose. There are a total of eight Cognitive Functions, each prioritized differently among different individuals.

The Cognitive Functions obtained from the code are one's Dominant and Supportive Functions. The Dominant Function is the function that an individual prioritizes the most, having the largest influence on the person. The Supportive Function is the subsequent function that is prioritized and serves to support the Dominant Function.

For example, If a person's code is STLB, they are Thinkers with a Leader Class, utilizing Extraverted Thinking (TE) as their Dominant Function. Furthermore, they are Sensors with a Builder Subclass, utilizing Introverted Sensing (SI) as their Supportive Function.


  • STLB | L-DIRA | D-FO

The next five letters make up the second part of the Type Code, which adds more nuance to an individual's archetype. It tells us of the different behaviors and impressions that may be displayed by individuals within the same archetype.

The first letter in this category represents one's Type Variant. The Type Variant describes the variation among individuals of the same archetype. Each of the 32 archetypes can be broken down into four Variants: Explorer (X), Builder (B), Leader (L), and Evolver (V).

It indicates which traits among the four Personality Classes are exhibited relatively more compared to individuals of the same archetype, due to the varying prioritization of the Type Drives.

The following four letters represent an individual's Type Drives. The first among these four letters represents one's first Type Drive, which can be derived from the combination of one's Class and Subclass. If you are unfamiliar with the Type Drives, below is a quick summary of which Personality Classes pair together to form the four Type Drives:

  • Reflecting (R) = Building (B) + Evolving (V)
  • Analyzing (A) = Exploring (X) + Evolving (V)
  • Interacting (I) = Exploring (X) + Leading (L)
  • Directing (D) = Building (B) + Leading (L)

The order of the remaining three letters is dependent on each individual, and can differ between people of the same archetype. For example, two individuals may be of the STLB archetype. However, one may have Interacting (I) as a second Type Drive, while the other may have Reflecting (R) as their second Type Drive.

How It Combines

The sequence of an individual's Type Drives will determine their Type Style, which can be:

  • Reserved (RA) = Reflecting (R) + Analyzing (A)
  • Spontaneous (AI) = Analyzing (A) + Interacting (I)
  • Expressive (ID) = Interacting (I) + Directing (D)
  • Structured (DR) = Directing (D) + Reflecting (R)

The Type Styles or sequence of the Type Drives will also determine their Type Variant. For example, L-DIRA would represent that an individual possesses the Expressive (ID) and Structured (DR) Type Styles, resulting in a Leader (L) Variant. If it were X-DIAR instead, it would mean that the individual has the Expressive (ID) and Spontaneous (AI) Type Styles, resulting in an Explorer (X) Variant.

It may be complicated to properly explain how the Type Variants are derived from the Type Drives and Type Styles without a visual aid. Hence, the topic will be adequately clarified under Type Matrix, which includes a comprehensive diagram along with an explanation of how the Type Variants are formed.


  • STLB | L-DIRA | D-FO

The final three letters make up the third part of the Type Code, which represents the innate energy of an individual's personality. It describes the solidity or fluidity of one's observations and decisions, ultimately affecting an individual's temperament and mindset.

The first letter in this category represents an individual's Type Temperament, which may be Assertive (A), Conclusive (C), Decisive (D), or Receptive (R). The second letter represents the Energy Density of one's Observing Functions, while the third letter represents the Energy Density of one's Deciding Functions. The Energy Density can either be Solid Energy (O) or Fluid Energy(F).

How It Combines

The Type Temperament is derived from the Energy Density of one's observations and decisions. Combined, they form the following code:

  • A-OO - Assertive (A) Temperament:
    Solid (O) Observing Functions + Solid (O) Deciding Functions.
  • C-OF - Conclusive (C) Temperament:
    Solid (O) Observing Functions + Fluid (F) Deciding Functions.
  • D-FO - Decisive (D) Temperament:
    Fluid (F) Observing Functions + Solid (O) Deciding Functions.
  • R-FF - Receptive (R) Temperament:
    Fluid (F) Observing Functions + Fluid (F) Deciding Functions.


    STLB | L-DIRA | D-FO

To put it all together, let's look at the example Type Code above.

ST reveals that this individual prioritizes Sensing (S) and Thinking (T). LB shows that the individual has Leader (L) as the Class and Builder (B) as the Subclass. Combined, we can derive that the Dominant Function is Extraverted Thinking (TE), while the Supportive Function is Introverted Sensing (SI), forming the Executive archetype.

Moving to the next part of the code, the first letter from this part shows that the individual is of the Leader (L) Variant. This is derived from the sequence of the Type Drives shown through the next four letters, with Directing (D) as the first Type Drive, followed by Interacting (I), Reflecting (R), and Analyzing (A).

Lastly, the final three letters describe one's Type Temperament. The letter D represents a Decisive Temperament, which is formed from Fluid (F) Observing Functions and Solid (O) Deciding Functions.

Concise Code


Alternately, there is also a concise form of one's Type Code.

Similarly, the first four letters represent the individual's archetype. However, one's Type Variant and Type Temperament are simplified to two letters. From the example above, the letters LD represent a Leader (L) Variant and a Decisive (D) Temperament.

Related Topics

  1. Type Matrix
  2. NXT Class
  3. NXT Origin
  4. NXT Rhythm
  5. NXT Energy

Read next part → Type Matrix [NXT Type]