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Type Style is the subsequent topic to Type Drive. If you are new to this topic, do refer to the Introduction of Type Drive to gain a more comprehensive understanding of Type Style.


As mentioned previously in Type Drive, there are four recurring patterns of behavior determined by the pairing of the Personality Classes: Reflecting, Analyzing, Interacting, and Directing. Reflecting is the inverse of Interacting, while Analyzing is the inverse of Directing. Each individual will carry out all four Type Drives, only in different priorities and frequencies.

This section, Type Style, will delve into how an individual's hierarchy of Type Drives correlate with their demeanor. Although the first Type Drive is determined by the top two Cognitive Functions, the subsequent Type Drives are dependent on the individual. This preference determines their Type Styles.

Any two Type Drives, aside from their inverse counterpart, can be paired to form a Type Style. This gives rise to the classification of four Type Styles: Reserved (RA), Spontaneous (AI), Expressive (ID), and Structured (DR).


Reserved (RA) is the Type Style of individuals who have Reflecting and Analyzing among their top three Type Drives. As a result of this combination, they have a higher tendency of Evolving themselves based on both new and known information.

These individuals frequently utilize their Evolving Function, as both Reflecting (R) and Analyzing (A) Type Drives require this function. As such, the behavior of the Evolver Personality Class becomes relatively more prominent among those of this Type Style.


Spontaneous (AI) is the Type Style of individuals who have Analyzing and Interacting among their top three Type Drives. As a result of this combination, they have a higher tendency of Exploring for new information based on the needs of both the self and others.

These individuals frequently utilize their Exploring Function, as both Analyzing (A) and Interacting (I) Type Drives require this function. As such, the behavior of the Explorer Personality Class becomes relatively more prominent among those of this Type Style.


Expressive (ID) is the Type Style of individuals who have Directing and Interacting among their top three Type Drives. As a result of this combination, they tend a higher tendency of Leading others based on both new and known information.

These individuals frequently utilize their Leading Function, as both Interacting (I) and Directing (D) Type Drives require this function. As such, the behavior of the Leader Personality Class becomes relatively more prominent among those of this Type Style.


Structured (DR) is the Type Style of individuals who have Reflecting and Directing among their top three Type Drives. As a result of this combination, they have a higher tendency of Building on known information based on the needs of both the self and others.

These individuals frequently utilize their Building Function, as both Directing (D) and Reflecting (R) Type Drives require this function. As such, the behavior of the Builder Personality Class becomes relatively more prominent among those of this Type Style.


Although the Cognitive Functions have their individual processes, they also operate as pairs to bring about specific traits. These pairs, such as the Type Drives, can further combine together as described above.

Under Type Style, the Type Drives are paired together to form the four Type Styles. Depending on the individual's order of Type Drives, the combinations will form different Type Styles, even among individuals of the same archetype.

The first Type Drive of each archetype is fixed based on the Dominant and Supportive Functions. However, the order of the subsequent Type Drives is dependent on each individual.

For example, an individual who is a Specialist has Reflecting as the first Type Drive. This individual might have Analyzing as the second Type Drive, combining with Reflecting to form the Reserved (RA) Type Style. Subsequently, Interacting is the third Type Drive, combining with Analyzing to form the Spontaneous (AI) Type Style.

On the other hand, there might be another Specialist who has Directing as the second Type Drive instead, combining with Reflecting to form the Structured (DR) Type Style. Subsequently, Interacting is the third Type Style, combining with Directing to form the Spontaneous (ID) Type Style.

There are a few rules that govern how the second and third Type Drives link to form the Type Styles. The second Type Drive must comprise one similar function within the first Type Drive. Subsequently, the third Type Drive must comprise one similar function within either the first or second Type Drive.

For example, if the individual's first Type Drive is Reflecting, it comprises the Building and Evolving Functions. Hence, the second Type Drive can either be Directing, which comprises the Building Function, or Analyzing, which comprises the Evolving Function.

An individual's Type Style will also help determine their Type Variant, which will be explored further in the subsequent sections and topics.

Related Topics

  1. Type Drive
  2. Reflector
  3. Analyzer
  4. Interactor
  5. Director

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